gyrating bhtch
Suddenly, and Without Warning |
Suddenly, and Without Warning (Part Two) |
Captain Flywheel Stageplay |
Merry Christmas, Bhtch |
Unstoppable Hose Truck |
Merry Christmas Bhtch Comes Alive! Well sort of. Three of the songs are from that album. Then there a bunch of Christmas songs written since MCB. All live! Wow! Except for The Pudgy Jew Who Saved Christmas. This is actually from a different year. I'm not sure why it's here, but whatever -- it's a hell of a song, albeit too long and repetative. What can you do. Happy Holidays!
White Elephant
session date: 1998-12-19
number of songs: 12
session length: 03:14:44
overall rating: 7.59