gyrating bhtch
Suddenly, and Without Warning |
Suddenly, and Without Warning (Part Two) |
Captain Flywheel Stageplay |
Merry Christmas, Bhtch |
Unstoppable Hose Truck |
At Ameche's Pumpernickel in Coralville Ron Ameche served food, but wanted a bigger thrill So they Bhtch Bhmbed Perkins for egregious Scramblers This was quite a big risk for these small-time gamblers Perkins - know for its Tremendous Twelve Responded in kind - in Bhtch Bhmbing they delved And so began The Great Ostrich War With Bhtches Bhmbing Bhtches - oh, and your mom's a whore This is no timeshare! This is a madhouse! A MADHOUSE! Ron called Dad in to settle the dispute But on his way he stopped at a house of ill repute Don "found" a folder of money, and scratched his itch Which did nothing to stop the Bhmbings of Bhtch This is no timeshare! This is a madhouse! A MADHOUSE! This is no timeshare! This is a madhouse! A MADHOUSE! When Don finally arrived, things were much worse Pumpernickel and Perkins - chorus and verse Like the Will to Power of Friedrich Nietzsche Became The Great Ostrich War to Don Ameche This is no timeshare! This is a madhouse! A MADHOUSE! |
Copyright 1991-2050 Gyrating Bhtch. All Rights Reserved. Webmaster |
song length: 00:03:31
song rating: 9.00