gyrating bhtch
Suddenly, and Without Warning |
Suddenly, and Without Warning (Part Two) |
Captain Flywheel Stageplay |
Merry Christmas, Bhtch |
Unstoppable Hose Truck |
(some lyrics by U2) Is it getting better? Or do you feel the same? Would it make it easier on you now You've got someone to blame One love, one life, one need in the night One, but we're not the same 'Cause you're a goddamn fucking bhtch!! You're a bhtch Always be one Nagging me every night and day I wanna an axe and put it in your back Maybe even take a garrotte to your neck Better yet, let's get a guillotine Stick your head in there and I'll pull the rope Be your executioner tonight Then I won't have to hear your mouth anymore One love, one life, one need in the night |
Copyright 1991-2050 Gyrating Bhtch. All Rights Reserved. Webmaster |
song length: 00:02:02
song rating: 3.50